La-Mulana Remake Wiki

The item screen showing all sub-weapons

Sub-Weapons are items which can be equipped alongside your Main Weapon. These are mostly projectiles which have unique attack patterns, useful for reaching enemies in tough spots or fighting Guardians, and in some cases are necessary to break walls/objects and solve puzzles. These projectile Sub-Weapons rely on Ammo and can only be used if the player has enough ammunition in stock. Projectile Sub-Weapons are also enhanced by the Ring. The exceptions are the various different types of shield, and Ankh Jewels (which could be considered key items in terms of function, but are technically sub-weapons).

(The lists of pots containing Sub-Weapon ammo is currently lacking all pots in the Hell Temple, and may be otherwise incomplete.)

List of Sub-Weapons[]


Icon shuriken
  • (Japanese: 手裏剣, "Shuriken" / lit. "Invisible hand blade")
  • Location: Gate of Guidance (F-2) - Jump down into the pit of (fake) spikes and place a weight on the pedestal to reveal the Shuriken.
  • Use: Shurikens fly horizontally in a straight line across the screen until hitting something; the Ring causes them to fly significantly faster. They're useful to damage enemies, break walls, or even open a chest from across the room, and while not required, are the expected or easiest solution to a few puzzles. Three can be fired in a row before having to wait for them to disappear. Initial stock is 30, but up to 150 can be held.
  • In-Game Description: Said to have been used by Japanese Ninja, they can be thrown one-after-another.
  • Deals 1 damage (2 with the Ring).
  • Shops:
  • Ammo pot locations include Gate of Guidance (A-3) and (E-2), Temple of the Sun (C-3) and (G-4), and Twin Labyrinths (D-1), with 10 each.
  • Dropped by Kodama Rats, Gyonins, Mages, Jiang Shi, and Pans.

Rolling Shuriken[]

Icon rollingshuriken
  • (Japanese: 車手裏剣, "Kuruma shuriken" / lit. "Wheel invisible hand blade")
  • Location: Mausoleum of the Giants (A-2) - Attack the Ghost enemies until the Ghost Lord appears. Defeat it to reveal the Rolling Shuriken.
  • Use: Rolling Shurikens travel diagonally downward onto the ground, then horizontally along the floor. They will fall off platforms and continue to roll until making contact with a wall or object, and can pass through an enemy and continue on to damage another one before disappearing. Useful in "combing" the floor for breakable tiles. Two can be fired in a row before having to wait for them to roll their course. Up to 100 can be held.
  • In-Game Description: A shuriken that rolls on the ground. It tears through enemies as it rolls.
  • Deals 1 damage (2 damage with the Ring).
  • Shops:
  • Ammo pot locations include Mausoleum of the Giants (C-1), Temple of the Sun (G-4), and Inferno Cavern (E-4), with 10 each.
  • Dropped by Masked Men, Zao Chi, and Sorcerers.

Earth Spear[]

Icon earthspear
  • (Japanese: 大地の槍, "Daichi no yari" / lit. "Spear of the earth")
  • Location: Tower of Ruin (E-5) - Jump carefully into the pit in the center of (E-4) to pass through the center section of its left wall. (You can also land on the moving platform at the bottom of the room and then jump up to the left.) When the moving platform on the left is underneath the pedestal suspended in the air, place a weight there to reveal the Earth Spear in the room below.
  • Use: Earth Spears travel straight down and through floors, making them situationally useful for hitting enemies and objects below you. They stop when encountering such an enemy or object, unless you have the Ring, in which case they can pierce through the first and continue on to damage another one. Two can be fired in a row before having to wait for them to disappear. Initial stock is 20, but up to 80 can be held.
  • In-Game Description: A spear made from a special metal. It can pierce through the ground, and spear-shaped light shoots down.
  • Deals 2 damage (3 damage with the Ring).
  • Shops:
  • Ammo pot locations include Inferno Cavern (E-2), Tower of Ruin (D-3), and Twin Labyrinths (F-5), with 10 each.
  • Dropped by Druids, Nagas, Salamanders, and Keserans.

Flare Gun[]

Icon flaregun
  • (Japanese: 発弾筒, "Hatsu-dan-tō" / lit. "Flare bullets")
  • Location: Inferno Cavern (C-4) - Break a wall on the left side of (D-4) to enter. Solve the block puzzle to reveal the Flare Gun.
  • Use: The Flare Gun fires flares straight up into the air, passing through most floors. They will explode on contact with an enemy or object, or after traveling a set distance, with the explosion lingering long enough to deal additional damage to some enemies. Can be used to light lamps in the Chamber of Extinction and are required for several puzzles. Two can be fired in a row before having to wait for them to explode. Initial stock is 20, but up to 80 can be held.
  • In-Game Description: Shoot fireballs straight above after filling the tube with gunpowder.
  • Deals 1 damage (2 damage with the Ring).
  • Shops:
  • Ammo pot locations include Temple of the Sun (F-4), Chamber of Extinction (E-4), and Tower of the Goddess (D-5), 10 each.
  • Dropped by Bennus and Garudas.


Icon bomb
  • (Japanese: 爆弾, "Bakudan" / lit. "Bomb")
  • Location: Graveyard of the Giants (E-3) (can't be obtained until you can enter from E-5 or G-4) - Begin in (F-3). Jump on the leftmost ice block to free the ice block in the upper-right corner. Jump on the new block to place a weight on the dais, thawing the dais at the top of the screen. Place a weight on that dais to clear a path to a dais in (E-5). Place weights on daises between (E-4) and (E-5) until a ladder appears in (E-5). Take this up to (E-4) and push the block onto the floor switch to reveal a ladder to (E-3). Defeat the Kamaitachi to reveal the Bomb.
  • Use: Bombs are thrown forward in an upward arc, or can be rolled along the ground by holding Down while throwing. Bombs will bounce off walls and roll along floors, but explode on contact with a breakable surface, object, enemy, or the ceiling, or after a certain amount of time has passed. The resulting explosion can damage the player. Bombs are powerful weapons when used against enemies, capable of damaging multiple enemies close together or even hitting an enemy multiple times with one explosion, and are required to break open certain walls. Only one can be thrown at a time, and another cannot be thrown until the previous one has exploded. Initial stock is 5, but up to 30 can be held.
  • In-Game Description: The bomb's powerful blast sure does pack a punch! Careful though, as it will damage the professor as well.
  • Damage depends on the invincibility period of the target. Each burst may deal 8 damage.
  • Shops:
  • Pot in Tower of the Goddess (A-4) contains 5 Bomb ammo. If opened after obtaining the Bomb, the coin chest in Gate of Illusion (A-4) contains 30 Bomb ammo. (Unlike with pot ammo, if opened beforehand, there's no way to recover this.)
  • Dropped by Hunduns (very occasionally).


Icon chakram
  • (Japanese: チャクラム, "Chakuramu" / lit. "Chakram")
  • Location: Chamber of Extinction (C-4) - Defeat Hekatonkheires to reveal the Chakram.
  • Use: The Chakram is a powerful boomerang-type weapon which fires forward and floats slightly up and down as it flies, tracking the player's vertical movement. If it doesn't encounter any obstacles, it will gradually stall out after a certain distance and then reverse course, flying back toward the player, but it will ricochet off walls, objects, screen edges, and some enemies (such as Toujins, or sections of many of the Guardians and Sub-Bosses), and fly back immediately. If it hits another wall or object on the way back, it will fall to the ground to be picked up again, or you can catch it in mid-air as it comes back to return it to your stock. However, if it misses you, it can continue off the edge of the screen and be permanently lost. It can pass through most enemies to damage multiple enemies or objects in a single flight, but before obtaining the Ring, it will disappear after the third such collision and be similarly lost. (Its durability with the Ring is unknown, but very high if not infinite.) The Ring also greatly increases its horizontal speed and range, to the point that it will never stall out before encountering the edge of the screen. Very useful to deal a lot of damage quickly in an enclosed space, carefully hit objects out of melee range without losing resources, or break a wall faster than a melee weapon when standing right next to it (since it returns instantly with no animation delay). Required for a puzzle in the Chamber of Birth. Only one can be thrown at a time, and must be caught, drop to the floor, or disappear before another can be thrown. Initial stock is 2, but up to 10 can be held.
  • In-Game Description: A weapon that returns after being thrown. Manage to catch it and you won't lose ammo.
  • Deals 6 damage (12 damage with the Ring).
  • Shops:
  • Pot in Endless Corridor (C-3) contains 2 Chakram ammo.
  • Dropped by Andras and Marchosias.


Icon caltrops
  • (Japanese: まきびし, "Makibishi" / lit. "Caltrops")
  • Location: Spring in the Sky (B-6) - Jump onto the floor below the right-most ladder to cause it to sink under your weight. Once it reaches the bottom, place a weight on the pedestal there to reveal the Caltrops.
  • Use: Several Caltrops are thrown behind the player on the floor for each unit of ammo, causing damage to anything that passes over them, including the player. They last for a fixed duration before disappearing. It is possible to exploit this form of self-damage to avoid taking larger amounts of damage from other sources. Two handfuls can be dropped at a time, and more cannot be used until the rest have disappeared. Initial stock is 10, but up to 80 can be carried.
  • In-Game Description: A weapon that you scatter behind you. Any enemies that step on the scattered pieces take damage.
  • 3 caltrops are thrown, deals 2 damage per caltrop (1 to Lemeza). With the Ring, 4 caltrops are thrown, deals 2 damage per caltrop (2 to Lemeza).
  • Shops:
  • Ammo pot locations include Temple of the Sun (G-4) with 5 ammo, Chamber of Extinction (H-2) and Endless Corridor (C-4) with 10 ammo each.
  • Dropped by Gyonin Warriors, Xing Tian, and Witches.


Icon pistol
  • (Japanese: 拳銃, "Kenjuu" / lit. "Handgun")
  • Location: Surface (G-4) - Buy from Sidro for 100 coins.
  • Use: The Pistol fires single shots instantly across the room, causing high damage to any enemies in their path, though they are stopped by walls, objects, or certain enemies (see Chakram). It holds a clip of 6 bullets at a time (represented by the right number), and can only be reloaded with purchased clips of Ammunition (represented by the left number). When the pistol is empty, it must be reloaded with a short delay by pressing the sub-weapon button again to transfer a clip into the chamber. Due to the high power of this sub-weapon, ammo is prohibitively expensive and cannot be found anywhere outside of shops. No limit to firing speed. The Pistol comes loaded with a clip of 6 bullets, and up to 3 clips can be held in addition to the currently loaded bullets.
  • In-Game Description: The end-all in sub weapons, it has superior destructive power.
  • Deals 12 damage.

Ammunition (Pistol)[]

Icon ammunition
  • (Japanese: 弾丸, "Dangan" / lit. "Bullets")
  • Use: This is an item specific to the Pistol which can only be purchased in shops. Each clip of Ammunition purchased contains 6 "rounds" (bullets) for the Pistol and is displayed as the left number. (For example, a Pistol with 2:6 ammo would have 6 shots loaded and 2 boxes of 6 shots for reloading, 18 shots total.)

Shops with Ammunition for the Pistol:


Icon buckler
  • (Japanese: バックラー, "Bakkuraa" / lit. "Buckler")
  • Location: Surface (G-4) - Buy from Sidro for 10 coins.
  • Use: Press the sub-weapon button to hold up your Buckler in front of you, and press again to "lower" (remove) it. It will absorb a certain number of enemy projectiles (depending on the strength of the projectiles) before breaking, after which a new one must be purchased. Lowering the Buckler resets its durability.
  • In-Game Description: A shield that can block bullets from small enemies. It may break if used to block powerful attacks.

Silver Shield[]

Icon silvershield
  • (Japanese: 白銀の盾, "Shirogane no tate" / lit. "Silver shield")
  • Location: Graveyard of the Giants (B-2) - Break the floor in the lower-right corner of (B-1) using the Knife, Axe, or Katana, and fall through to (B-2) to remove the weapon cover and obtain the Silver Shield.
  • Use: Replaces the Buckler or Fake Silver Shield in your inventory. Press the sub-weapon button to hold up the Shield, and press again to "lower" (remove) it. It will absorb a certain number of projectiles (again, depending on the strength of the projectiles) before being knocked away, requiring you to raise it again, but it cannot be broken. Lowering the Shield resets how much "posture" it has, which is the same as the durability of a Buckler.
  • In-Game Description: A shield that can block bullets from strong enemies.

Fake Silver Shield[]

Icon silvershield2
  • (Japanese: 偽白銀の盾, "Nise shirogane no tate" / lit. "False silver shield")
  • Location: Graveyard of the Giants (A-1) - Can be bought from Giant Mopiran for 100 coins.
  • Use: This is effectively a reskinned Buckler, which will replace the Buckler in your inventory (if you have one) when you buy it, but has much less durability, breaking instantly after being hit by any projectile. (Mopiran will happily sell you another one.) After obtaining the Silver Shield or Angel Shield, or defeating all Children of Tiamat, it is no longer possible to buy.
  • In-Game Description: A shield that can block bullets from strong enemies.

Angel Shield[]

Icon angelshield
  • (Japanese: 天使の盾, "Tenshi no tate" / lit. "Angel Shield")
  • Location: Dimensional Corridor (A-3) - Requires the Dimensional Key.
    • Defeat Urmahlullu at (A-4) to access (A-3), where a pedestal appears.
    • Place a weight here, then defeat another Sub-Boss in the area to make a second pedestal appear in (A-3).
    • The left pedestal appears if an even number of Children of Tiamat have been killed, and the right one appears if an odd number have been killed.
    • After using one, it won't appear again, and after using both of them, a third will appear on a lower platform, which removes the weapon cover and allows you to collect the Angel Shield.
    • If you haven't used both pedestals before defeating all the Children of Tiamat, they will no longer appear, rendering the shield impossible to obtain in this location. Instead, you will need to purchase it from Giant Mopiran in the Graveyard of the Giants (A-1) for 400 coins.
  • Use: Replaces the Buckler, Silver Shield, and Fake Silver Shield in your inventory. Press the sub-weapon button to hold out the Shield, and press again to "lower" (remove) it. It is larger than the other shields, protecting more of your body, and can absorb almost any enemy projectile. It has infinite "posture" and cannot be knocked away; any projectiles it does not block are "special attacks" which ignore shields altogether.
  • In-Game Description: A shield that can block bullets from almost all enemies.

Ankh Jewel[]

Icon ankhjewel
  • (Japanese: アンクジュエル, "Anku jueru" / lit. "Ankh Jewel")
Manual comic ankh jewel

Lemeza finds an Ankh Jewel in the game manual

  • Locations: Gate of Guidance (D-5), Mausoleum of the Giants (G-3), Temple of the Sun (B-5), Spring in the Sky (C-8), Tower of Ruin (F-4), Chamber of Birth (C-4), Twin Labyrinths (G-2), Dimensional Corridor (D-4). See individual area pages for specific instructions.
  • Use: Ankh Jewels are used to summon a Guardian by breaking its Ankh. This also destroys the Ankh Jewel. While each pair of areas (front and back) contains one Ankh and one Ankh Jewel, any Ankh Jewel can be used to summon any Guardian. Can also technically be used as a weapon, creating a tiny hitbox almost directly over the player that deals 1 damage. Only 8 Ankh Jewels exist in the game (and it's impossible for the player to hold all of them at once in normal progression), but glitches (specifically those involving Mud Man Qubert's shop) have shown that the theoretical inventory limit for Ankh Jewels is much higher.
  • In-Game Description: A jewel that can destroy the Ankh, in which Guardians sleep.


  • If one looks at the maps for Chamber of Extinction and Chamber of Birth, starting from the main entrance of both respective maps on the far left, the player must travel the exact same path in the Chamber of Birth to enter the puzzle room requiring the Chakram that they must travel in order to obtain them in the Chamber of Extinction. This essentially means that the player finds the Chakram, in the Chamber of Extinction, in effectively the exact same place in the frontside field that it must be used in the backside field for its puzzle in the Chamber of Birth. The rooms are practically back to back with one another. (However, the hypothetical cross-area room mappings implied by the Crosses of Light as part of the Mantras puzzle do not actually place these rooms together.)